St. Ann’s Parish

An overwhelming amount of content

The previous page of St. Anne’s parish in Oporow in Wroclaw already existed for several years. During this period, a huge amount of content appeared. Unfortunately, the disorder in categorizing them made it difficult for users to find the latest information. Both posts from five years ago and the latest ones appeared on the main page.

Graphic Design    Website Development

What makes it different

The parish website is a place that brings together believers of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest. While designing and setting the assumptions, our goal was to increase the transparency of the site, to organize the content and to thoroughly modernize it. We opted for bright colors, rounded shapes and to increase the depth, we used delicate shadows.

Taking into account the diverse group of recipients, we applied a module increasing the accessibility of the site. This panel allows you to increase or decrease the font of the page, enable gray scale or high contrast mode. All this to make browsing the site easier for all those who have all kinds of malfunctions.

In the current global situation, access to churches is difficult. That is why we have created a special “live” tab, where you can watch, at appropriate times, a live broadcast of the mass. Besides broadcasting hours it is possible to watch the latest replay. Thanks to the integration with Facebook for Developers tools, all this happens automatically and there is no need to make any changes to the page code to always display the latest broadcasts.

The key content of the page is the latest news. They contain not only announcements or catechesis but also reports from the mission in Benin. In addition to the entries on the site you can find a gallery of events, information about parish groups and other interesting facts about the life of the Oporowski Church. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the project!

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